Monday, 9 July 2012

July 9, 2012 Genthin Germany

It is now 11.00pm so will make this short tonight. Just back from Steffi's parents place from a very nice B.B.Q. A little cooler today which makes a change from all the heat. Reached 25degrees but low humidity. Just before we came home we had a very heavy shower,but now has stopped.
This morning Steffi and Torsten took us to this very interesting church called Kloster Jerichow and organised us an English speaking guide. 

Kloster Jerichow church started to be built in 1148.

Down in the basement of the church. You can see top right roof has been burnt in a fire so they have left it in its old state.

Courtyard of the church, old well. far corner is where the steeples go up.

Down underneath again, very old pillar made of granite.

Looking back on the other side where the arches are, are covered in walkways going round the courtyard.
This side looking through one. We still find it hard when all these buildings were been built that New Zealand hadn't even been discovered.

Church grounds show how the gardens were built in the old times. Built up from the ground with sticks They are growing herbs and vegetables here now..

The mob. This tree trunk has been cut out to make seats in the same grounds. They also have a cafe opening out to a large field/playing area for the kids while you sit outside and have coffee. Steffi said that its a great place for all the mums to meet with their kids for a coffee as so much room for the kids to run round.

This is a windmill Janne likes, near the florist who Steffi used for the wedding.

Went to the bank to draw out some money and there was this rocking horse there. Janne got quite a speed up rocking this one.

Went over to Steffi's parents place late afternoon for a walk then a B.B.Q. Steffi,s brother next to PT. He hopes to come down to NZ sometime. A very nice lad.

This is how they do their B.B.Q.s The meat hangs from a tripod and now and again they swing it to move the meat around to get more of an even cook. Works really well. Thanks Rosa and Detlef for a lovely evening.

Before dinner we went for a long walk along the river dykes about 5 to 6 kms there and back. The dykes (levies) are used to contain the river within the normal river banks. We were told that in 2002 there was quite a flood when heavy rain was experienced upstream in Czech but all was well. The levies worked.  This is one of their locks. We watched these boats come under the bridge we were standing on.

We stopped at this place beside the river for a beer before we set back on our long walk. Very pleasant. Torsten, Steffi and her Parents.

Big dog, little bowl. Poor Altus had run so much to get there with a very stretched tongue from the heat only to fine this tiny water bowl sitting at the door.Obviously only expected little dogs. A couple of laps and it was empty. I think that he had a few top ups.

Steffi's brother Johannes waiting with Janne for dinner. 

The old and the young

A busy day and tomorrow we go to Torsten's parents about 10.00am, back in the afternoon then all the parents come around here for a goodbye dinner. Will try and get a short blog away tomorrow but wont be a 
lot of spare time. 

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