Wednesday, 11 July 2012

July 10, 2012 Genthin, Germany

Shortly we are off to Torstens parents place before lunch and then everyone back here for dinner so hope I will have time to post this before I go to bed.

Later... Back from morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea from Torsten's parents place. We were fed very well and of cause ate too much.

Went for a walk down to the canals and heard all about the area where Torsten and Thomas were brought up. All very interesting.

At Torsten and Thomas parents place having lunch. 

Walking around the canal nearby.

Altus loves the water especially if he can chase a stick.

What a beauty

Janne at Torstens parents place in his frog sandpit.

All the parents are just arriving for dinner. Torsten is cooking some salmon from Norway on a fire in the garden. Looking forward to that. Will report later.

Later...The two families have arrived for the evening so probably won't have time to post this tonight.

Torsten pegs these salmon fillets to these boards and then stands them up beside the fire as I will show.

See on each side of the fire pit, which Torsten is about to light, the fish are now attached on the boards to frames with wooden pegs.

A close up of the structure of how the salmon is attached with the pegs to the wood then attached to the frames.

Pete and Torsten having a beer while waiting for the cooking to be completed.

Fire really roaring now. It was great to watch. New experience for us to see the salmon been cooked this way, making it a lot of fun

The four of us watching on.

This way please. Help yourself,  the fish is ready.

The two families all enjoying the dinner.

Just starting to feel a little cooler as quite late now so we just moved the benches over by the fire. Torsten throwing some more wood on to keep us warm. Not that it was that cold. Just a little cooler than it had been

The fish was superb. Well done Torsten for giving us the new experience of eating salmon that way. It was so good. Cooked just right. Really enjoyed it.

This morning we are leaving for the Baltic Sea after a wonderful six nights with Steffi, Torsten, Janne and Altus.
As you would have read we spent a lot of time with the two families who looked after us well. It was so good to all get together once more.
Steffi,s brother Johannes is a really nice lad who wants to come down to NZ some day, so hope we see you there Johannes. He is really interested in whales and would like to go to Kaikoura and perhaps find work there. He finishes his degree this year. We saw  a little of Steffi's sister Jossie but she left earlier to get back to work. She was always busy helping with the preparation of the wedding and organising Janne. Always busy.
Torsten's brother Thomas, super guy and was always keeping an eye on us at the wedding to make sure that we understood what we were meant to be doing and helping with the translation. Thank you Thomas. At the  family gatherings both boys always showed so much interest in talking to us as they both spoke really good English.
We hope we see them down in NZ one day soon.

And of cause a big thank you to Steffi and Torsten for having us to stay and being here to celebrate your wedding day. We have had a wonder time with you and Janne and not forgetting Altus.And a big thank you for the use of you wonderful flat which we really enjoyed. So comfortable. Meeting up with the families again but we still have three nights up at the Baltic with you which we are looking forward to.
We love your house, garden, families. We think that you are so lucky to have such a great set up to bring up kids and of cause a great section for Altus.

We might not have Wi-Fi for the next three days, not sure yet, so don't think that we have dropped of the side of the world. We will be back...

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